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February 20, 2007 |
Britney Spears’ Hair Pulled From E-Bay |
The tale of Britney Spears’ head-shaving incidence keeps adding new twists and turns.
The owners of Esther’s Hair Cutting Studio, where Britney shaved her head Friday told E! News that the pop star’s locks were saved and would be sold for a good cause.
“She didn’t want her hair. We have it here at the salon and we will probably auction it off for charity,” said J.T. Tognozzi, who co-owns th Tarzana, California, salon with his wife, Esther. He told E! that Britney “was accompanied by two bodyguards and knocked on the door around 7 p.m. Friday. Spears had never been to the salon before, and the shop was closed for the night, but Esther Tognozzi says that she immediately recognized the singer and let her in.”
When Britney entered and asked for the buzz cut, Esther “sat her down, looked her over and then suggested less drastic alternatives.” But, according to Esther, “She was on a mission. She had made up her mind that she was shaving her head before she came in.”
According to E! interviews with Tognozzi, “Spears said she was tired of her hair extensions and wanted to make like Sinead O’Connor. When Tognozzi said she didn’t want to be responsible for shaving Spears’ hair, the singer then asked if she could do the deed herself.”
“She grabbed the shears and just started shaving her head,” J.T. Tognozzi said.
“She wasn’t very talkative, in fact, I kept talking to her about the kids, and I asked about her baby, hoping that I could convince her and talk her out of continuing,” added Esther Tognozzi.
She said that Spears didn’t appear to be under the influence of anything and remained “emotionless” for the most part, “except for when she said, ‘Oh my god, my mom’s going to be so upset,’ and she had tears in her eyes.”
Meanwhile, E! Online reported that Spears spent Saturday afternoon poolside at the Mondrian hotel, wearing a short blonde wig. Even more recently, Britney’s shaven hair was put up on E-Bay, with an initial bid price of $1 million. Since that time, the AP has reported “various sellers on the online auction site offered not only hair, but clippers that they claimed did the job.”
“One seller claimed to have collected hair with the salon owner, and offered it for sale along with a can energy drink supposedly sipped by the singer.”
The main auction was set to end Tuesday at 5:30 pm, with speculators estimating a final price of up to $100 million! Since that time, the auctions have been pulled for authenticity reasons. Another avenue for pawning off the locks will surely be sought |
posted by viraks @ 1:43:00 AM |